After we confronted 'Ken' with our suspicions, he sent Tamsin the following email. You've got to hand it to him - the boy's got a lot of nerve...
From: 'Ken'
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:17 PM
To: Tamsin
I am now back at home. I have thought about this a lot over a sleepless night and to be honest I am really upset. As you guys made clear it is not personal, but I can't help but feel that the manner by which you went about it was agressive and cold. I do not feel that I should have to prove myself to anybody, but I can understand that there is need for us as a group to be secure. However it is now clear to me that at no point did you consider approaching me in a friendly way first and having some paparazzi jump me out side the bar like I was some kind of criminal, condemed before proven guilty was a really low blow. That is the kind of SHit FIT would pull. Moreover although I did really get a long with some of the group I felt prejudiced against due to my background and am sick of having to have justified my upbringing throughout my life. I had hoped that you guys would understand this.
AS you no, I plan to go back toCHina and although I would have liked to do my part up until I left, even with my proof of ID I don't feel you would trust me and to be honest with the way in which you approached this, I do not feel that I can trust you. Friendships I thought I held within the group were clearly shallow. I am very sorry to have to leave it this way and I can assure you that I came into the group with a pure heart wanting to make a difference. I still of course hold my principles and it pains me to have to do this, but maybe I can maek a differnece back in CHina without being treated like this.
I hope that as a movement and group you continue to build, but I do not feel I want a part of the group anymore. I really felt we as individuals got along and in no way do I aim this at you, but I am sure you can see how I feel.