Today (3 May 2016) our comrades in Mexico are remembering their loved ones who were brutally repressed 10 years ago by the Mexico State. That repression took the form of murder, torture and sexual violence. The communities had been resisting displacement and forced removal by the authorities to make way for a new airport. The intimidation and oppression those communities face, mainly indigenous people, is ongoing.
We condemn the actions of the Mexico State, and the companies involved in the airport project in Atenco, Mexico. We support the right of the people of Atenco to defend their lands and to resist capitalist oppression. We stand in complete solidarity with the people of Atenco.
We particularly condemn the involvement by UK companies in the airport project, including engineering consultancy Arup and architects Foster and Partners.
We know that our struggle for ecological and social justice can only be achieved if the people of Atenco win their struggle against the airport and all forms of capitalist oppression. We stand in solidarity with the people of Atenco!
For more information about Atenco's resistance, see: http://upsidedownworld.org/main/mexico-archives-79/5055-mexico-san-salvador-atenco-fights-for-land-resists-proposed-airport