Green groups launch newspaper ad attack on O'Leary - 1st September 2006

Environmental activists opposed to the unsustainable growth in air travel have today launched a controversial newspaper advertisement attacking the attitude of Michael O’Leary and Ryanair towards climate change.

Aviation is the fastest growing cause of global warming and Ryanair are amongst the worst airlines in their response to the crisis.

The advert placed by Plane Stupid (1) and a number of other leading environment groups (2) will today appear in The Mirror. It is so controversial that a number of newspapers refused to carry it. A spoof of the official advertising campaign from Ryanair which pictures Winston Churchill saying, “Let’s beat terrorism. Keep Britain Flying”, the green campaigners’ advert also pictures Churchill and says, “Let’s beat the climate to death. Book Ryanair today to ensure a real climate disaster.

Campaigner for Plane Stupid, Joss Garman, said:

"Michael O'Leary is coating his advertising in words of national survival when in reality he is helping to induce an international disaster."

He added, "Whilst the pressure is mounting for the government to act to combat climate change, Ryanair are pushing to burn more fossil fuels and cause more global warming, and all to bolster their bank account. 45% of the air travel within Europe is less than 500km, and the government should act to end these unnecessary and unsustainable flights."

Notes to editors

  1. Plane Stupid is Britain’s first national direct action group against the growth in aviation
  2. The other green groups who placed the advert are: Greenpeace, Transport 2000, and Green Skies Alliance

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