Stupid people do stupid thing with bad eco-impact, etc.

It seems that for all our efforts, a small, determined percentage of society has decided that pointless things which trash the planet represent the pinacle of human achievement. It was for these people that Plane Stupid launches the Third Runway Award for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty. Last year this prestigious award was won by the inventor of Dairylee Lunchables, because they are just so gobsmackingly pointless.

This year's winners are Dan Wiesel and Alysa Binder, who have just launched an airline company for pets. I for one welcome this anti-speciesist move: for too long our pets have had to sit by, like second class citizens, while we send the climate to hell in a 747 just so that we can get places really fast. Forget stopping animal testing - all pooches really want to do is fly, and these guys are helping them achieve their doggy dreams.

The BBC puff-piece (which combines those mainstays of daytime TV: pets doing funny things, and crap inventions) is littered with more puns than even our website could stand: the pets are "pawsengers", it's "bone voyage", etc. Ha bloody ha. Of course the whole thing is made worse because the inventors look so bloody smug, like they popped to the loo and while there jotted down the cure for cancer on the bog roll without really trying.

Note to potential customers: your pets really don't want to fly. They'd rather be left at home with some kitty treats, a new scratching post and the next-door neighbour's son or daughter popping over to feed them each morning. Your next-door neighbour's kid would also prefer that, as they'll take the time to hoover up any loose change you left lying around, or pinch cigarettes from the stash your partner doesn't know about. So please: think of the children. Leave your pets at home. Or something.