Stansted expansion decision is an act of war

The Government has given the go-ahead for the first expansion at Stansted, paving the way for 10% more flights each year. It's a decleration of war: on the climate, local communities and democracy.
Stop Stansted Expansion have fought long and hard against any expansion, citing noise, environmental destruction and climate change. The local council opposed expansion, so the Government overruled them and found in favour of the airline industry. That's not democracy - that's dictatorship.
The inquiry into a second runway will take place next year, but don’t expect a miracle. The Government has shown that it’s prepared to stamp on local democracy and bulldoze through the science if it keeps the aviation industry happy. Fine – all that does is galvanise residents and environmentalists who aren’t so prepared to roll over for a dinosaur industry. If the Government wants a fight, it’s going the right way about it…