Green Wing, greenwash

Green Wing 1

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research says we can't have unlimited aviation growth while still meeting our climate change targets - you know, the ones that try to stop us making life on earth rather unpleasant. The airlines disagree, of course - and spend large amounts of money telling us that you can have your cake and eat it too.

Someone forwarded me the Green Wing page of the British Airways magazine, where Willie Walsh answers your questions about the environment. They weren't very impressed by what they read: "I would have thought that questions about the link between aviation and the environment might relate to matters such as unnecessary flights within Britain and to Brussels and Paris or maybe even querying why we need to increase the number of flights which would require a third runway at Heathrow. But no. The top three questions that the world wants Willie to answer are:

"Would a third runway at Heathrow reduce the incidence of planes being put in a holding pattern and burning extra fuel? Does BA support the communities of developing nations? Are you planning to reduce the amount of packaging used in your meals?"

I won't bore you with the full answers, but in case you want to give yourself a score out of three for environmental awareness, the answers are yes, yes and yes. Best of all though is the 'How green are our holidays?' section. In this issue, we ask Amy Carter-James, who flies between the UK and Mozambique six or seven times a year, about her travels:

"Q. How do you minimize your impact when you're travelling?

"A. Along with carbon off-setting, I make sure any items with non-eco friendly packaging are unwrapped before travelling so that I am not taking litter to the area I am visiting. Also I'm aware of cultural sensitivities and respect local traditions. I always learn to local greeting."

Well that's all right then - Amy Carter-James knows how to say hello in Tsonga, so we're not going to fry! Top marks BA, for a classic piece of greenwash!

P.s. you can read the whole page here.