The kids are revolting... and so are their mums

Beth's letter

We all want the best for our kids, right? But 'the best' is not what we're giving them. If business-as-usual goes on for much longer, we'll be handing them down a climate-changed world of hardships and horrors, with few of the opportunities for happiness and prosperity that we ourselves have enjoyed.

One group of high-powered mums has woken up to the true nature of what responsible parenting actually means in this time of climate crisis: whatever tender hopes and dreams we may have for our children's lives will become distant, hollow fantasies if we fail to prevent runaway global warming, and so part of the role of every responsible parent alive today must be to radically intervene to stop this from happening. These clear-eyed mums have also recognised that our political 'leaders' are still leading us in exactly the wrong direction, and if we continue to follow them we will soon find they have led us over the edge of a cliff.

Meanwhile, children and teenagers are increasingly cottoning on to a horrible truth: that their generation is being comprehensively shafted by ours, as we fritter away their inheritance on self-indulgent mini-breaks, pointless gadgets, 4x4s and bottled water. Kids today learn all about climate change and the terrible threat it poses to human welfare and biodiversity in school. Then they look out of the window and see grown-ups squandering the last precious chance we have to avoid this disaster. It probably all seems rather unfair. No wonder they're angry.

What this coalition of angry kids and their worried parents adds up to is this - a modern day posse prepared to act to defend their futures from the greed and apathy of the adults currently in power. Like Plane Stupid, their first target is the government's airport expansion plans, and their first action is to be a vigil of Parliament on the night of Tuesday 20th May, from 6pm onwards. If you have kids and are concerned about their future in a climate-changed world, or indeed you are under-18 yourself, we urge you to attend this important family-oriented turning point in the debate around climate policy in the UK.

Changing your light-bulb will never be enough. Ordinary people who have woken up and smelt the horrible climate change coffee need to voice their opposition to harmful government policies as loudly as possible, and if you're not ready - or not old enough – to come with us and chain yourself to something yet, then you should get your family down to Downing Street on the 20th and tell Gordon to pull his finger out.