Fossil Fools Day - international action round-up


Fossil Fools Day 1

Hats of the the Fossil Fools Day crowd - they sure know how to pull off a day of action. Across the UK, Australia and North America protestors took direct action against the root causes of climate change:our addiction to fossil fuels.

Protests shut down Citibank and the Bank of America for funding dirty energy, as well as a new coal plant in North Carolina. In the UK, direct action saw a gas terminal in Norfolk closed for business, E-on's HQ in Nottingham and an open-face coal mine in Wales. An Esso station in Plymouth got occupied, while Rising Tide occupied Land Rover's advertising agency.

On the South Bank, subvertisers launched a fake product from E-on: carbon capture and storage water (you have to watch their film!). There were also loads of marches and assorted fluffiness. All in all, too much to describe here: check out for loads more stuff!