easyJet in self-serving 'campaign'

Hot on the heels of their dodgy dossier, easyJet have launched a campaign to save the planet by encouraging more of us to piss off to Barcelona for a night on the town.

According to easyJet's national advertising campaign, flying could reduce its emissions by 50% in just 10 years - but the Government and 'greedy Gordon' are conspiring to ensure this doesn't happen. Only scrapping APD will save us all from climatalogical oblivion.

Now their campaign does have some good points - namely that cargo and private jets are excluded from APD. Plane Stupid would welcome bringing these into a taxation scheme. But the majority of their arguments are based on the perennial mistake: namely, that reducing per passenger emissions is the same as reducing overall emissions.

EasyJet claim to be an environmental airline - infact, like most airlines, they claim to be the leading environmental airline. They also claim that their planes emit 22% less than "traditional airlines" flying the same plane on the same route. Sounds dodgy, right?

Unless they're using 22% magic fuel to power their jets, or have negotiated with a bunch of migrating seagulls to tow the plane for 22% of the route, then this simply isn't possible. What easyJet mean is that their per passenger emissions are lower. But that's not because of efficiency - it's because their planes are fuller. And they're filling their planes by encouraging more people to fly more often on heavily discounted tickets.

So dedicated are they to taking action on the environment, they're encouraging people to write to their MP and object to APD. Never one to be outdone, Plane Stupid would like to encourage you to do likewise:

Step 1) Go to www.writetothem.com
Step 2) Type in your post code.
Step 3) Chose your MP (and any other politician you feel should get the message)
Step 4) Add your name and address and copy this message into the blank field:

We've even doctored their lovely template email to get you on your way...

"Dear Politician,

I agree with easyJet that it's time for politicians to be more intelligent when it comes to flying and climate change. It's about time that aviation companies were required to get their facts right before running full page adverts in national newspapers.

It is wrong to tax families but not private jets and cargo. It's also wrong to expand airports at the expense of the environment and local communities, just so a few more people can jet off to Malaga and drink themselves unconscious. The above also applies to families taking their seventh trip to the cottage in the Algarve. I don't want you to think I'm classist...

Air travel could be 50% cleaner within 10 years - if you kept 50% of planes on the ground. Why not turn them into roadside diners like they have in the Midwest of America. Employ Stelios to serve overcooked burgers in a pretty orange pinny.

You should urge people and your colleagues to act responsibly - to stop buying into the industry's nonsense. Stick health warnings on flight adverts: "Warning - contains bullshit".

Even if you feel there is little you can do to influence this debate, make sure you read 'the facts about aviation emissions'. The more MPs are aware of the facts, the greater the ability of our country to take the lead in aviation emissions. Just remember: 13% of the UK's emissions come from airplanes. 13%. 13%.

This is important to your constituency - particularly if your consituency covers Heathrow, Stansted or indeed any other airport being blighted by our inability to take climate change seriously.

Please let me know what actions you and your party will be taking."

Should do the trick...